Key Features
- Semi-automated analyzer
- Results in just four minutes
- 4 µl sample size required
- Dimensions: 95 x 205 x 135mm
A revolution in HbA1c measurement
Quo-Lab® HbA1c is a semi-automated desktop point-of-care analyzer for measuring glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c).
The semi-automated analyzer has been designed specifically to meet the needs of diabetes clinics and laboratories in settings that demand low cost of operation and ease of use.
From a simple procedure, Quo-Lab provides lab-accurate test results within four minutes (CV < 3% at 7% A1c) from a venous or finger prick blood sample of just 4 μl. Quo-Lab uses the same boronate affinity methodology used by Quo-Test® HbA1c and is similarly unaffected by Hb variants.
Step by step instructions are displayed on a clear, multi-lingual display. Staff training time can therefore be minimised and the opportunity for error is reduced.
Quo-Lab HbA1c can store over 7,000 results which can be downloaded as text files to a PC via the integrated USB interface. Alternatively, results can be printed using a printer which connects via a serial port.
Quo-Lab has received its CE mark and is available for sale in most global markets subject to local registration requirements.
Easy HbA1c testing in 3 steps

1. Insert cartridge into analyzer

2. Insert sample tool and snap off handle

3. Result within 4 minutes
Quo-Lab Hba1c specifications
Easy to use
- User-friendly features minimize training time
- Step by step instructions on display
- User selectable language
- Just 4 µl blood required from finger prick or venous sample
- Innovative blood collector allows easy and consistent sampling
- Lightweight: 0.7 kg
Efficient data handling
- Barcode reader to scan calibration data, patient and operator ID
- Stores over 7,000 results
- User selectable dual reporting. User can select % DCCT, IFCC mmol/mol, eAG mg/dl or eAG mmol/l
- USB port
- Optional label printer available
Fast and accurate
- Results within four minutes
- Uses boronate affinity methodology which is widely recognized as interference-free
- Measuring range: 4-15 % A1c DCCT
- Imprecision: CV < 3 % at 7 % A1c DCCT
- Unaffected by Hb variants, which do not result in reduced erythrocyte life span
- Traceable to the IFCC reference method
Boronate Affinity explained

Frequently asked questions
Hemoglobin is an iron containing molecule present in red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen around the body.
Glucose can bind irreversibly to hemoglobin via a process known as glycation. Hemoglobin that has glucose attached is known as glycated hemoglobin, often abbreviated to HbA1c or simply A1c.
Because red blood cells have a life span of 120 days (three months) measuring the level of glycated hemoglobin in blood effectively shows the average blood glucose level for the previous 6-8 weeks.
In conjunction with regular blood glucose monitoring, A1c tests can aid care providers in determining if a patient’s treatment plan needs altering in any way to better control blood glucose levels.
Quo-Lab analyzers and tests are calibrated and quality controlled using European Reference Laboratory supplied materials that are traceable to the IFCC reference method.
In an effort to standardize glycated hemoglobin results the AACC established the “National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program” (NGSP) in 1996. In parallel the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) developed reference methods for glycated hemoglobin.
In 2006 and 2007, an international consensus between IFCC and AACC was agreed upon. The calibration and certification of laboratories and manufacturers to the same standards have improved the conformity of the results.
However, in practice differences can still be observed between technologies as well as between individual systems either because of the heterogeneity of hemoglobins, underlying different technologies (e.g. ion exchange, boronate affinity, immunoassay), calibration drifts, or lot to lot variability.
This may result in differences in reported values. EKF Diagnostics follows the recommendations of the IFCC and NGSP to ensure that EKF instruments and reagents are accurately aligned and traceable to the reference method. See www.ngsp.org for more information.
Quo-Lab uses boronate fluorescence quenching, a unique, patented technology, to deliver HbA1c results in four minutes.
Based on well documented boronate affinity for glycated hemoglobin, BFQT has similar performance to the boronate affinity chromatography systems used in reference laboratories. Because BFQT does not require chromatographic separation, the methodology allows for fast, simple and accurate point of care HbA1c measurement.
The Quo-Lab system using the BFQT has the advantage of not being affected by hemoglobin variants (which do not result in reduced erythrocyte life span), labile glycated hemoglobin or hematocrit levels.